UDK 343.852 Меры пресечения. Предупредительное заключение. Обеспечительное содержание в закрытом заведении
The article presents the results of a study of the problems of using bail as a preventive measure in criminal proceedings, and developed proposals for improving this legal institution. Thus, defenders should be guided to persistently raise the issue of investigating the possibilities of assigning more “soft” preventive measures, such as bail, before the courts and investigative authorities. The possibilities of using bail as a preventive measure will be much wider if a strict list of crimes is established, in which it is possible to appoint a preventive measure in the form of detention. By analogy, it is necessary to determine the elements of crimes where bail would be a desirable preventive measure. In addition, it is advisable to use the Western European experience of using bail as a preventive measure.
preventive measure, criminal procedure, bail, investigation, judicial proceedings, restriction
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