Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
This article is devoted to the scientific project, serving of criminal punishment in form of imprisonment convicted of economic and official crimes. Examines the relevance of the scientific development of the model of serving of imprisonment specified categories of convicted persons and possible ways of differentiation of punishment, taking into account peculiarities of crimino- logical and socio-demographic characteristics of prisoners. Conceived scientifically justified doctrinal model of serving the imprisonment convicted of economic and official crimes, taking into account their intellectual and creative potential should include a range of measures: adjustment of the criminal and criminal Executive policy of the Russian Federation in regard to this category of convicted persons; changing the norms of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation; change of norms of the Criminally-Executive code of the Russian Federation; to improve the practice of execution of punishment of prisoners; forming a positive attitude to the project social, professional and expert opinion. This model is appropriate to discuss at a number of scientific forums, published in separate scientific publications and to offer public authorities, including the legislator, for consideration.
convicted, imprisonment, economic crimes, official crimes, the science of criminal Executive law
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